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Male Breast Reduction

Male breast reduction is the most effective treatment for gynecomastia. Gynecomastia is the overdevelopment or enlargement of the male breast tissue. Gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat and glandular tissue to restore a firmer, flatter, and more masculine contour to the chest.

Male Breast Reduction
Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia can make a man feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about the appearance of his chest and even make him avoid certain activities because of the feminine-looking breasts. It is mostly caused by hormonal changes such as when boys or men are having higher levels of the estrogen female hormone or the testosterone male hormone levels being lower than expected. Also, although weight loss can reduce the appearance of male breasts in some men, often the excess glandular tissue does not reduce thereby causing the appearance of enlarged breasts.

Ideal Candidate for Male Breast Reduction

Good candidates for male breast reduction include males who:

  • Desire a more attractive chest contour

  • Have enlarged breasts that cannot be treated without surgery

  • Are a stable normal body weight

  • Do not have medical conditions that can impair healing

  • Do not smoke

  • Have realistic expectations

The journey towards male breast reduction will begin with an initial consultation with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who is an expert in gynecomastia procedures. During the consultation, you will discuss your concerns and goals. You will be examined, and if you are fit to be a good candidate for male breast reduction, your Plastic Surgeon will explain the procedure to you and what to expect.

The Plastic Surgeon will examine your chest to assess the breast size and shape, the position and size of the nipple, the diameter of the areola, skin elasticity, and other relevant variables.

The Procedure

Male breast reduction can either be performed through liposuction or tissue excision.


Treating gynecomastia with liposuction is usually done under local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia and as an outpatient procedure. It involves the Plastic Surgeon making a small incision on each side of the chest. Through the incisions, your Plastic Surgeon will remove the excess fat or glandular tissue and at the same time sculpt a new chest contour that looks natural to your body.

The recovery process following liposuction is quite straightforward as it involves you wearing a compression garment for a few weeks as this helps control the swelling and offers support to the healing tissues. Most men return to work within several days following the procedure but should keep off strenuous activities for about 3 weeks. You will, however, be given individualized instructions to follow by your Plastic Surgeon.

Tissue Excision

Men who have stretched excess sagging skin around the breasts usually require the male breast reduction to be done through tissue excision. The tissue excision technique allows the Plastic Surgeon to remove a larger amount of glandular tissue and/or skin which cannot be treated by liposuction alone.

The incisions are located around the edge of the areola or within the natural creases of the chest with the Plastic Surgeon making sure that they are as inconspicuous as possible. Male breast reduction with tissue excision is performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation as an outpatient procedure.

The recovery process is similar to that of liposuction though more swelling and tenderness are experienced. Patients typically resume work after about a week following the procedure and gradually return to exercises within the coming weeks.

Other cosmetic procedures that can be performed alongside gynecomastia surgery include:

  • Nipple repositioning

  • Nipple reduction

  • Areola reduction

  • Tummy tuck

  • Liposuction

Book Your Appointment for a Consultation

Would you like to understand what options are available for Gynecomastia Surgery in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.

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